Colos Wellness Center

A white Buddha sitting upright is the first sight for those standing in front of Colos Wellness Center. Amidst the movement of life, the statue of the calm and centred Buddha is a reminder that inside each one of us rests the seeds for a wholesome life.

Colos Wellness Center is a temple of well-being and self-care designed to reflect our inner brilliance. The corridors that connect the massage, acupuncture and other treatment rooms are infused with a fresh smell of mixed essential oils. At the end of the building lies a spacious and bright Dojo Hall dedicated to yoga, pilates, dance and other activities aimed at developing one’s focus and integrating body & mind.

Integration is a keyword for us. Life in South Portugal can be harsh with its hot summers, rocky landscape and long commuting distances. We believe that wellness does not need to be a luxury for the few – rather, it can become part of our everyday routine and be used as a tool to improve the quality of life in our region.

The Colos Wellness Center is a service for our local community and for anyone who wishes to devote time to one’s well-being.

Our services

Osteopathy, acupuncture, dancing, yoga, ayurvedic & nutritional consultancy.

For details and bookings, please write us a message at:

Quinta do Coito Grande
7630-291 – Colos, Portugal
Find us in Google Maps

Get involved

Are you up to realize your dream and be part in the co-creation of Casa dos Sonhos’ regenerative vision?

There are a few different ways to get involved.

Services & Activities

The services and activities that we offer at Casa dos Sonhos have been carefully designed to create safe spaces to get in touch with your full potential and to enhance regeneration of our local community and environment. We believe that internal healing goes hand in hand with outer healing and loving care for all that surrounds us.

Would you like to share in this dream with us?

Future projects

These are a few directions in which the large dream of Casa dos Sonhos is likely to unfold.