
Plots of land are small worlds in themselves: each has a unique shape, location, history. Some have been farmed, others may have been filled with eucalyptus. Quite a few were deforested & eroded as time went by. Most of them have been degraded over the years.

The same is valid for our social fabric, project structure and governance, as well as our relation to wild and domesticated animals or even energy consumption habits.

Is there a way to heal such pieces of land, see abundance and restore the natural circles again? Can we create organisational structures that allow our projects to thrive whilst fostering a nourishing working environment that allows individuals to unfold their potential?

The mission of our consultancy on Regenerative System Management is to find ways to recover an ecosystem or improve the work environment. Recovery, however, is not the final goal: we are committed to unfold the highest potential of an area and allow it to grow further in harmony with natural principles. That is what our Casa dos Sonhos’ regenerative approach entails.

If you wish to know more about our consultancy services, contact us via using the subject: “ consultation”.

Get involved

Are you up to realize your dream and be part in the co-creation of Casa dos Sonhos’ regenerative vision?

There are a few different ways to get involved.

Services & Activities

The services and activities that we offer at Casa dos Sonhos have been carefully designed to create safe spaces to get in touch with your full potential and to enhance regeneration of our local community and environment. We believe that internal healing goes hand in hand with outer healing and loving care for all that surrounds us.

Would you like to share in this dream with us?

Future projects

These are a few directions in which the large dream of Casa dos Sonhos is likely to unfold.