
Tell me about your dream. What does it say? How does it sound? Where does it point you to? Who are you and what do you want?

Casa dos Sonhos is the concrete attempt of manifesting answers to the questions above. In 2019 we purchased the first property serving us as a playing field to allow the dream to shape us and the land and let our dreams be shaped by the land.

In the desire to live in deep cooperation with nature and listening to the voice of wilderness, our words and actions are guided by unconditional love, relentless learning and consensual exchange.

Casa dos Sonhos activities, products, workshops and projects are part of an ever evolving dream that we now share together with many others. In the heart of Alentejo, we believe we can be a regenerative presence for nature, our community and for our own selves.

Do you want to step into this dream with us?

Services & Activities

The services and activities that we offer at Casa dos Sonhos have been carefully designed to create safe spaces to get in touch with your full potential and to enhance regeneration of our local community and environment. We believe that internal healing goes hand in hand with outer healing and loving care for all that surrounds us.

Would you like to share in this dream with us?


Filled with olive trees, orange groves and cork oak forests, the south of Portugal is a land of ancient traditions dressed in shades of green. Casa dos Sonhos’ activities take place in four locations that mirror both the natural richness and the cultural heritage of our region.

We warmly invite you to discover the special flavour of each of our branches – Arrabacinha, Vimiero, Quinta do Coito Grande and Monte Novo da Serra. Our commitment is always the same: to honour traditional wisdom while introducing contemporary knowledge to foster the regeneration of nature and the local culture.

Get involved

Are you up to realize your dream and be part in the co-creation of Casa dos Sonhos’ regenerative vision?

There are a few different ways to get involved.

Future projects

These are a few directions in which the large dream of Casa dos Sonhos is likely to unfold.